Two Bachelorette Parties - Finger Lakes NY & Geneva OH

I'm fortunate enough to be having TWO separate Bachelorette "Parties".
July 28-30: Finger Lakes, NY
August 19: Geneva, OH
I feel slightly uncomfortable saying that because it makes me feel greedy but that's not actually the case. Technically the Bachelorette Party Weekend is the bachelorette party. Unfortunately, my coworkers are unable to join because we have a Trial scheduled for the following Monday so it's all hands on deck that weekend at work. There are also a handful of other lovely ladies not able to make it. They all want to celebrate so we decided to have a one night local celebration as well. To play off our NY Finger Lakes winery trip, we will be having a night out in Geneva, Ohio to visit the many wineries there. More on the Geneva, OH trip a little later.
Finger Lakes, NY
The Finger Lakes is a wonderful wine region in New York. Joey and I have visited there before and loved it. I thought since it's only a 5 hour drive, it'd be a great relaxing place to go for a short girls weekend. These plans are in the works right now.
Check out this blog post with more information about our Finger Lakes, NY bachelorette weekend!
Geneva, OH
A 15 person van has been rented and a driver (my cousin-in-law) has been retained. My MOH is putting together our itinerary for the evening with plans to start with dinner at a winery then winery hopping.
Follow me on Instagram during the Bachelorette events to see what we are up to!